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'sijoog «^€o p^P!W ^opucrj) s<fifff£ jo Qusrmj^ y 3fi平八Ipajopps

(1661 ^TOUOJ njopooq) ^yuff^oQ Mjff ut unffH^) q""Q fo uotfPfu^afu/ uy :s9qot^ fo fMmmupqmg 9<n uqung ^ureipg

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907—i g 1 dd ("61) f *n SQU9§ €(fwo^ Jiq^pjSotjqtq »qt fo suotpvswdji \SBJ叩UCA uUdsn^ jo i4snpuoy stujofj,, aijj^ »〕u3d§ (SSEABS (6—gz6i 'uopucrj) {snpuojj snfJ0M$ ^9^d ut^^¥D J^ouw[3 ^pqo^j (^661 'uopCTDOSsy diqspudaj ipjnQ^ODjn工:|nqin^si pac Jipaun) suotfPfsj omi fo joqm(s V :(klnl HL '(sp3) a^ssiunaiuL sirej^ POT ^3!^3!!^ c3urpo)i

:3n2«H 3MJL) l'\OA suoijt>Mu^) Miqj^ 9p sinhvf XJZA f) ,rj *«u3ifv oajaaSa^

(HgiD *S3!socr| :UI3|JCTH) o6gi Jppf pif讓9pu!g "《W pVfS,

(t£6i ^pjojaBg丄g :uopuoq) (JHJU9^ q$li Hff ?UUHQ nfqn4^}j qmQ , ut Q»po^ pw untj"〕 1 f ^oaj

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in。A »4ain^轉《』fo fwm([oj9(UQ nmouooj ^《(sp3) ^OJOJVJ -3 f pire

offiAODS 3 1 ui \Li^i put 9^91 SJESX sip in pirej|Of{ UT EIUBUI dipu aiy^

Temple, William Observations Upon the United Provimes of the Netherlands

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Wetenscbap (Amsterdam: P. N. Van Kampcn & ZOOA 1939) Vogelaar, C. Jan van Gcyen (Zwolle: Waanders, 1996)

Vrics, Jan de The Dutch Rural Economy in the Golden Aff, IJOO-IJOO (New Haven:

Yale University Press, 1974) Vrics, Jan de, and Ad van der Woudc, The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure

and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy IJOO-I^IJ (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1997) Wassenaer, Nicolaes Jansz, van Historisch Verhael oiler Gedenwaerdiger

Gheschiedenissen, V-IX (Amsterdam: Iudocus Hondius and Jan Jansen,


Watt, Tessa Cheap Print and Popular Piety, ijjo-1640 (Cambridge: Cambridge

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de Goycr van i6x6', in Het Boek 6 (llic Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1917) Werner, J. W. K- Haariemmermeer. iye en iSe Eeuwse Voorstelkn tot Droogmaking

(Amsterdam: np, 198;)

Wheatcroft, Andrew The Ottomans: Dissolving Images (London: Penguin, 1993) Whitcway, R. S. The Rise ofPortuffiese Power in India 1497—ijjo (London: Archibald Constable, 1899)

Wi|nands, O, Tulpen naar Amsterdam: plantcnverkccr tusscn Nederland en Turkijc', in H< Thcunisscn, A. Abclman and W. Meulenkamp, Topkc^i en Turkomank: Turks-Nederiandst Ontmoetingen Sinds 1600 (Amsterdam: De Bataafsche Lccuw, 1989)

Zumthor, Paul Daify Life in Rembrandt's Holland (London: Wcidcnfcld & Nicoison, 1962)




在创作这本作品期间,有许多人需要感谢,其中对我帮助最大的莫过于我不知疲倦的研究助理、阿姆斯特丹的亨克·鲁伊斯泰恩博士(drs Henk Looijesteijn )。他既是一位近代史专家,又是一个历史久远的球根种植者家庭的后代,没有谁能比鲁伊斯泰恩博士更好地帮助我在哈勒姆、阿姆斯特丹和海牙的档案馆中查询资料,并指引我研读大量关于这一题材的荷兰语作品。没有他的帮助,我不可能完成这本书的创作。

我能有幸认识鲁伊斯泰恩博士是通过阿姆斯特丹大学的亨克·范·尼罗普(Henk van Nierop)介绍。他本人也是当代卓越的历史学家之一。其他给我提供了帮助的荷兰同事还包括亚普·鲁伊斯泰恩(Jaap Looijesteijn),球根种植者布里灿德(Breezand)和阿姆斯特丹的达恩·德· 克勒齐博士 (drs Daan de Clercq),克勒齐博士与我分享了有关他的袓先雅克·德·克勒齐的信息。

同时我还要感谢我的经纪人帕特里克·沃尔什(Patrick Walsh),我的编辑莎拉,霍洛韦(Sara Holloway),是他们在我兴起这一创作念头的初期,给予我信心和帮助。还要感谢蒂娜·沃尔什(Tina Walsh)帮助我翻译了一些难懂的荷兰语古老文件。为了完成这本书,最辛苦最劳累的人是我的妻子彭妮(Penny),衷心感谢我的挚爱。这本书是我们共同的成果。





Abode of Bliss see Topkapi Acxcl, Licbcrt van 221 Admirael, Jan 139, 198, 221—2, 224 Ahmed I, sultan 2}o-i Ahmed m, sultan 231—41, 245 Aitzema, Ucuwc van 148, 182 Alaeddin Kaikubad I, sultan 10 Alphcn 86

Alkmaar 129, 138, 177, 196, 220 description of 169 -soil of 79 一tulip auction at 1—3, 171—5, 181—2, 190,

196, 259, 271, 274 liquidation of mania in 220 Amsterdam xix, 61, 77, 80, 98, 110, 117, "5, 127, 159, 147, 179, !94, 200,220-2, 267

Bank of 276 gardens of 80

growers of tulips meet in 198-202 growth of 80—1 immigrants to 77

perseverance of tulip trade in 194—j

property pticcs in 175

scale of tulip trade in 179-83

stock markets of 133, 1 jo-i

street lighting in 273

taverns of 15 3-4, 272

Amsterdam, Gcrrit 196, 276

Anatolia 9

Antwerp 41—z, 80, 84 apothecaries 46, 60, 61, 87, 98-9, 129, 175

Augsburg )7-9. 265

Babur (Mogul Emperor) 12, 32 Bacrt, Hans 221—2 Bakkcr, Barcnt 120

bankrupts zn—14

Bartolotti, Guillclmo 79-80

Baudartius, Willem 116

Bayezid I, sultan 230

wears tulip shirt 15—16, 261 used as footstool by Tamcrianc the Great 17

Beresteyn, Paulus van 79, 278-9

Bcrgc, Nicolacs van dc 279

Bergom, Hcndrick van in

Bertens, Jacques 245

Block, Jacob dc 191, zif

Blokker (village) 173

Blocm, Matdiijs 141

Blocmendaal (bulb-growing area) 2 5 3

Boclius, Guiiielmus 98

Bol, Cornclis 141

Bol, Pieter 100, 101

Bolt, Jan 251

booms see also Florida Land Boom, bubbles

defined 24711 Boortens, Dirck 197 Bosch, Gcrat 138 Bosscher, Andries de 194 bostands (Ottoman gardeners) 28-9

employed as royal executioners 28,

Bosvelt, Adriaen van 219 Brancion, Jean dc 46, 74 Brants, Jan 129

Brereton, Sir William 86, 88, 117-18, 1 ,6:

Brueghel, Jan, the Younger 209 Brill "

Brimeu, Marie dc 47, 52, 74 Brussels 97 bubbles see also booms defined xix, Z47n

Busbccq, Ogicr Ghislain de 34—6, 50, 262 Byzantine Empire 9-10, 17—18

Cage, the 231, 240, 141 Gduwacrt, Pictcr 222 canals 1", 24711 Cardocs, Barcnt 100, 199, 268 carnations 27, 90 Gas, Thcunis 279 Castelcijo, Jan 176 Cats, Jacob 8j-6 Ceylon 52

Changchun (Manchurian city) 255-6 Chardin, Sir John Qcan), Huguenot

traveller 9 Charles, Margrave of Badcn-Durlach


tulips in 6-8

spider, lily mania in 2" Qcrq, Jacques de 215—16, 222 clocks, boom in 2470 Clusius, Carolus (Charles de L'Escluse)

40, 43-53, J7-^5, 68-72, 75, 74, 97-99 103, 130, 248, 263—4

Quyt, Dirck 60

Coca-Cola, high prices paid for 25611 colleges (Dutch tulip-dealing clubs) set also

taverns 146, 15Z, 157-64, 183—4,

188-9, 190, 194 companies, for tulip-trading 141 Constantinople see Istanbul Coopall, Jan 141

Costa, Francisco da 101, 198, 216, 268 Court of Holland 213, 217-18, 225, 278 Creitser, Marten 139-40, 146, 272, Crete 64

crocus, festivals celebrating 260 Cruys, Pictcr van dc 194 cultivars see tul^>s9 varieties of Cunha, Nunho da 31—2, z6z Cuyck, Joost van 194

dahlias 282

Damac Ibrahim, Grand Vi2icr 237—40 tulip festivals of 238—9 ritually stranded by gardeners 240

Damme, A. van 259 Damme, Jan van 101, 158 Delft 60, 119 Dodoens, Rcmbcrt 262 Dubbdden, Bruyn den 225 Ducens, Acrt 145 Dumas, Alexandre 184 Dutch set also Golden Age, United Provinces of At Netherlands

artisan class 111—20

attitudes to money and wealth 119-21

clothing 82—)

country houses of 84—8

ctitcha for assessing tulips 146-7

drinking habits of 1 , 8—9, 274

food of 112

homes of 114—i)

knife fi^its among 158, Z74

national character of xvii, xix, 215

painting and 84, 158

passion for gambling among 120

regent class 79—88

and smoking 157-8

trade and wealth of 81—8

wages and earnings of 113—17, 119

working day of 111—13 Dutch East India Company , ;8, 183 Dutch Republic see Unitid Provinces of the

Netheriands Dutch Revolt 5 5—7, 80, 127

East Indies 126, 138 Emanuel, Prince of Portugal 61 England, tulips in 39, 74, 247,之54 engravings, inspired by tulip mania 207-


Enkhuizcn 129, 169 L'Escluse, Charles dc see Clusius Esclusc, Mathicu d1 263

Fazil Pasha, Grand Vizier

delusions of, concerning flics 137 Flora (goddess) 205—6 Florida Land Boom 247-80 Flory, Andiony van 146 Flushing 5, Fort, Marten dc 130

orphanages, Dutch 172—J Osman II, sultan

killed *by constriction of the testicles'

Ottoman Empire see also gardens, Turkish xx, io-nf 13, 14^30, 49, 228—41 dodiing in 15-16, 22 eunuchs in 234 festivals in 233—4 glassmaking in 29

symbolic significance of tulips in 1 i-

western visitors to 2^-30 Ovcrvccn (bulb-growing area) Z53

Pamir mountains 5—6

pamphlets, concerning tulip mania 205—

7, 209-1 z, in Parkinson, John 40 Passe, Chiisptjn van dc 103, 208 Pauw, Adriaen 82, 89-91 Persia, tulips in 8-9, 12, 24 Philip the Magnanimous, Landgrave of

Hcssc 44 Philip II, King of Spain 54 Pictcrs2., Qausc see TMJ^>, NkoLus Pietersz., Hendrick 178 Poelenburch, Simon van 139 Poppen, Jacob 8z

poppy "

Porret, Christiaan 87, 98 Posthumus, Nicolaas 2)9 Pottebacker, Henrik 96, 208 prices xiv

of beer 1 j*-9

of paintings 158

payment in kind 144—5

of tulips

(1608) 76

(1612) 129

(1615) 75 (161;) 94

(1624) 94

(1635) 12;, 147 (16 J4) 158 (1634^5) 125

(1636) i2)f 163, i8《190

(1637) :一,, i", 165, 175-8. "9, 190, 191, 192, 195, 197, M4 (after mania) 241-6

Quaeckel, Comclis, Sr 211, 27; Quaeckel, Cornells, Jr i,4» 275, 275 Quaeckel, Jan 154, 197, 275 Quilt, Nicolas lc 98

Ravensteyn, Albert van 19,, zz6 Rchdigcr, Thomas 48 Rembrandt van Rijn xx, 104, 204 rbi^otomi (itinerant bulb-collcctors) 97—9 rich trades 81—2 Roman, Adriaen 143, 210 rose 27, 90

as 'empress of the garden' 75 Rosven, Pictcr van 181 Rotterdam 77, 119, 198 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 1 j 5 Rudolf n, Holy Roman Emperor 50, 79,


Rye, Joris 42, 46, 62, 74

Sa'adabad (palace) 2 3 9, Z40 Sa'adi, Musli Addin (poet) 8-9 Sacl, Jan 179

Samenspraecken (mania pamphlets) 142— 4, 14), 148, 163, 167, 181, 189, zoo, 210, 252y 171-1, 278

Sampayo, Lopo Va2 see Va^

Sandys, George 55

Schcnner polder 126

Schildcr, Abraham dc 147

Schonacus, Willem 199, 2", 280

Schoudt, Gccrtruyt 191, 220

Schrcvclius, Theodoras 127—8

Schuppius, J.B. 271

Sea Beggars ", 56, 80

Scyh Mchmcd set La/e^ari

Sdim II the Sot, sultan 14

Sdjuks set Turks

Serbia 14—15

Scrlippcns, Johan 87

Scyhulislam Ebusuud Efendi 25

Sioting, W.J. 199

South Sea Bubble xviii-xix

Southern Netherlands 5 3—4

tulips in 41 一5, 77 spider lily, craze for 255-7 States of Holland 212—15, 218—20 Stccn, Abraham van der 120 Stcyn, Augustijn 129 Strccck, the (buJb-growing area) 199 Sulcyman I the Magnificent, sultan 28,

49, zi°

as iposscssor of men's necks' 21 Sulcyman II, sultan

terrorised by fear of execution 281 Swalmius, Hcnricus 181 Swancnburch, Jacob van 104 Swccrts, Emanuel 102—3 Swccrts, Francois 199

Tamerlane, nomad warlord 16-17 taverns see also colleges iy 152—4, 1J7—61,

tea 104

Temple, Sir William 110-11, 119, 269 Ticn-shan mountains 5-6, 7—8, 260 Topkapi palace see also Cage; gardens, Turkish 14-9, 229, 231, 252, 259, 261 prunes supplied to 28 severed tongues occasionally displayed in 25

Tulckcns, Woutcr 181 tulip books 103—j, 174, 178, 268-9 Tulip Era 232, 241 tulip festivals 234, 238, 141 tulip mania see also tmtips, prices origins of 122—31

heavy invohrcment of weavers in 118, 127, 142-4, zo6, 208, 271

at peak 178—9

scale of, assessed 180-3

regional nature of 194一 5

collapse of 188-98

liquidation of 211—26 tulip thieves 50-1, 70-1 tulips ste also colleges, prices

in America 260

as aphrodisiac 99, 268

Bi^arden varieties 67, 97, 105, 107, 124,

black 184—5

botany of 63—71

broken 6^70,255—4

bulbs of see also tulips, offsets of 64—j, 68

bybloemen varieties 265

colours of 5, 58, 61, 66—79, 9、 97,

control of prices of, in Ottoman

Empire 2 3 5 CouUren varieties 66 creation of new varieties 25—4, 106—7 Darwin varieties 25; disease see tutips, Mosaic virus in distribution of 8-9, 23—4 diversity of 62, 23) Ducktn varieties 67 exports of, from United Provinces

100-1, 2", 243, 245, 268 history of, after mania 242—7, 252—5 introduced to Europe 29-30, 32-6,

Istanbul tulips 23-4, 234-6, 261 Lacken varieties see also tulips, Violetten

varieties 67 Marquetrinen varieties 66—7 methods of buying and selling 129-40,

160-1, 163-7, 271 Mosaic virus in 68-70, 2J3—4 Muslims and 11—1 z name 36—7

offsets of see also tutips, bulbs of 64, 130-

1, 146 origins of 5—8 as piece-goods 142, 176 as pound-goods 160-2, 185—6, 192,

religious significance of xx, 11 一 12, 75, 260

Rosen varieties of 66, 76, 9" 96, 105—

6, 107, 126, 139, 147, 265 《rude, specimens 91 scarcity of 90—1, 95 seed of 64—5, 92 spcacs of 6, 63

T. austraiis 33

T ciusiana 63

71 gtsneriana 263

tulips 一 contd

species of 一 contd

T. pmfiox 63

T. ubftmkH 65

T. siktstris 3;, 263

!T smapenoJens 263

T. turcamm 38, 263 4sports, (mutations) )8 'superbly fine, specimens 67, 91, 141 taste of 46

value of, in gold 1, 259

variable costs of^ in different parts of

United Provinces 140 varieties of 73-4, 100, IOJ—8 Admiiad 106

Admirael der Admiraelcn 107 Admirael van da Eijck 106, 126,

i)8y 140, 171, 178,144 Admirael van Engcland 147, 184 Admirael van Enkhuizen 106, 171,

Admirael van Hoorn 184, 208 Admirael Krijatjc 106 Admirael Lieflcens 106, 138, 146,

I76, I78, 2Z1

Admirael dc Man 1x4

Admiral Pottcbackcr 96

Alexander Magnus 107

Anvcrs Bol 100

Anvcrs Vcsms 196

Botcnnan 176

Brabanson 171, 175

Bruyn Purpcr 171, 176, 221

Centra 179, 181

Dc Bcstc Juri 221

Delicate Coquette 229

Diamond's Envy 23

Gcncrad 106

Gencracl Bol 208

Gcncracl der Gcneraclcn set Gouda

Gcncrad van der Eijck 106

Generalissimo 107, 124

Gcntcn 145

Gcvlamdc Niculant 179

Gcvlcugcldc Coornhart 179

Ghcdc Crooncn 145, 162, 225

Ghcd cn root set Root en Gheel

Gouda "5, "4—,,"8, 140, 171,

1*78, 2o8y 270 Lc Grand 179 Grootc Gcpumasccide zzi Incrcascr of Pleasure 25 Instiller of Passion 23 Juficrkcns van Marten dc Fort 93 Kistcmacckcr 179 Lack van Quacckcl 154 Lack van Rhi)n 142 Late Bleyenburch zzi li^it of Paradise, The z$ Marriage dc Ma Filk 76 Matchless Pearl, The 23 Maxcn 222 Mere Brunc 76 Mcrvclyc van Quacckcl 154 Motarum van Chastclcyn 93 de Novil 268

Oudenacf 141, 179, 221, 222 Paragon da Costa 101 Paragon van Ddft 140, 176 Paragon Liefkens 138 Paragon Schildcr 147, 171 Paragon Viceroy da Costa 101 Parcm Augusto 93 Pomegranate Lance 229 Porsmaccker 222 Pottcbackcr gevlamt 96 Purpcr cn Wit van Quacckel 221 Rootc cn Ghcd van Lcydc 97, 124, 181

Rose of the Dawn 23 Romans 141, 176, 244 Sacyblom van Coningh 139 Scipio 107, 176

Semper Augustus 92—5, 114, ii)9 175, 184, 208, 256,267

Switscr 165, 179, 187, 191, 194, 2zo, m9 116

Testament Clusii 93

Testament Coomhcrt 93

Vcrbctcrdc Botcnnan 196

Viceroy 97, 138, 147, 171, 176, 208,

Wittc Crooncn 145, 148, 187, 222, M4

Vioktten varieties 66, 95, 97, loU 107,

139, 147, zzi, 265 vodderij 162, 19Z, 216 wifnkoapsgtld and 164, 167, wild 12, 23, 6}

Tulp, Nicolaes 203-5 Turkey see Ottoman Empire Turks

criteria for assessing tulips 235-6 early passion for tulips 7—8 and flowers in Istanbul 19—21 political system of 229-31, 259-41 Scljuk tribe of, and tulip 9-10 Tybcrius, Wilhclmus 224

United Provinces of the Netherlands see also Dutch xix, xx—xxi, 53—4, 57, 72

76, 77-86, 88, 96, 11 5—14, II9, 122,

iM, 178, "9, !94, 244, 269 geography of 110—n, 269 government of 133 impact of tulipomania upon 224—5 literacy in 210 lotteries in 120

society of xvi-xvii, 110—21, 169 wars with Spain see Dutch Revolt wealth of 78—84, 125, 131—3 Ussclincx, Willem 120 Utrecht 98, 129, 179, 198, 275

Vacrt, Egbert van dcr 149

Vaz, Lopo 31-5

Vccht, River 8 j

V^a, Joseph dc la 1 JI, 275

VcUus, Thcodorus 12)

Vcrbccck, BJ. 221 Verroustraeten, Roeiand 141 Versluys, Abraham 179 Verwer, Cornells 181 Viancn 100 Vienna 39, 4^-51 Villeneuve, Jean Sauvent dc 237—8 Voorhclm, Joris 2jo Voorhclm, Pieter 149-50 Vorstius, Adolphus 205, 277

Waal, Jan dc 278

Wachtcndonck, Abraham 221

Waermondt see Samenspraecken

Wall Street Crash 191—z

Wassnaer, Nicolaes van 92—4, 266

weavers see tulip mania

Wclscn, Pictcr van 197, 275

West Fricsland 112-3, 179, 199

Willemsz. , Pictcr 174

Willemsz., Willem zzi

William the Silent, Prince of Orange 5 5

winSandel (futures trade in bulbs) 132,

Winkel, Qacs 170 Winkel, Lauris 168, 173 Winkel, Woutcr 16^-72, 274-5 orphans of 172-4, 177, 196 Wynants, Henrick 190-1 Wynants, Pictcr 190-1

Yakub, Prince 16


Zccland 55, 56

Ziwertsz" Walich 61—2, 91

Zuydcr Zee 110, 120, 122,









ISBN 978-7-5097-5888-5


ISBN 978-7-5097-5888-5



















①最后一个通过赢得生死赛跑救了自己一命的人是1822〜1823年间的大维齐尔哈吉•萨利赫•帕夏(Haji Salih Pasha)。
















①16世纪到17世纪初,在联省共和国,姓氏还不是非常普遍的概念。大多数人仍沿用父亲的名字——比如Ziwertsz.很可能就是Ziwert或Sievert之子的意思。一般父名不用完全拼出,此处如果全拼的话应为Zewertszoon (即Zerert's son),拼写时一种常见的缩写方式是将表示儿子的zoon省略为z.,但在口语中,会按完整拼写发音。












①英国人认为作者的姓名是这样拼写的。而正确的拼写应当是Henrik van Oosting,这显然不符合英国出版商的发音习惯。





(接上页注①)随后,1200美元购买的小块土地几个月就可以以5000美元卖出。2500美元买入的可以7800美元卖出,后来又卖到1万美元,再后来17500美元,最后甚至卖到35000美元。最后这个以35000美元买人的人,其实就是最初以2500美元将这块地卖出而且一直后悔不已的人。1913年鳄鱼溪水渠附近的土地价值是15美元一英亩,到了 1925年竟涨到了 2000美元一英亩。在迈阿密中部,曾经价值为30美元一英亩的土地要卖到75000美元。最终,迈阿密的土地变得比纽约第五大道上的房产还要值钱。这些土地其实都是投机者支付一小笔定金买下的,他们都是指望在付款期限到来之前就能转手卖出。大量的钱財涌入佛罗里达。从1924年秋天开始的短短12个月里,迈阿密的银行里票据交换涉及的数目从21.2万美元上升为100万美元,土地交易量是原来的3倍。1925年发行的一期《迈阿密每日新闻报》全长达到504页,几乎全部都是不动产广告。这份报纸也创下了当时的世界纪录。据说当时迈阿密有2000多家房地产代理,雇佣的销售人员多达25000人。然而到了秋天,市场崩溃如约而至。投机者们高估了对土地的真实需求量。到这里过冬的人只有预计的1/10。人们开始拖延偿还贷款,一个以12美元一英亩价格售出土地的人曾经眼红地看着这块地又以17美元、30美元甚至60美元一英亩的价格卖出,但是到头来,高价购买的人都付不起欠款,这块地的所有权最终又回到了最初的所有者手里。从1926年秋天开始,房地产市场的崩溃导致佛罗里达一些银行倒闭。因为结箅的总额从1925年的10亿狂降至6. 33亿每年,到1928年则只剩1.43亿。再下一年,《国家周报》报道称:“迈阿密将成为美国最便宜的地方……最自命不凡的海滩大厦,曾经月租250美元,现在只要35美元……”




①在特定的条件下,哪怕是最不起眼的东西也可以变成稀有珍贵的东西。在第二次世界大战时期,军队补给是首要前提,美军需要走很远的路才能领到瓶装可口可乐。在通常情况下一瓶饮料的价格是5 美分,而在意大利前线,一瓶可乐可以拍卖到4000美元。